Setting Up Cold Email Mailboxes in 2024: Options, Costs, and Best Practices

Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Hey there, future cold-email maestros! If you thought setting up cold email mailboxes was as easy as throwing your computer against a wall and yelling “Email me!”, think again. Whether you’re a seasoned email marketing wizard or a newbie looking to cast your first spell, this guide will walk you through the ins, outs, and elusive middle grounds of setting up cold email mailboxes in 2024. Strap in, because by the end of this, you’ll be the Tony Stark of the email game.

Introduction to Setting Up Cold Email Mailboxes in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of digital communication, staying ahead means understanding the best methods to establish cold email mailboxes effectively. With a variety of options available, making the right choice can seem as daunting as picking the perfect pizza topping. But worry not! Whether you are hunting for reliable services like Microsoft Office, exploring the proven dominance of Google Workspace, or considering the efficiency of mailbox automation services, this deep dive has got you covered. So, ready to turn those cold prospects into hot leads? Let’s get started!

Exploring Your Options: Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Mailbox Automation

The prime contenders for setting up cold email mailboxes in 2024 are Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and mailbox automation services. Microsoft Office is famous for its dependability and intricacy, offering a cold email setup with pricing starting at $2 per month. However, there’s a catch — it might not allow you to add profile pictures, which can be a bummer if you’re looking for a touch of personalization.

Moving on to Google Workspace — the behemoth that commands a jaw-dropping 60% of the US business email market. It offers an array of features, including the ever-so-important ability to add profile pictures. But good things come at a price, and in this case, it’s $7 per month.

Then, we have the innovative mailbox automation services like Mail Forge. These services offer a no-fuss, low-cost alternative to create cold email mailboxes at scale. But, if your servers have trust issues and the reputation isn’t stellar, performance could take a hit.

Cost and Feature Comparison of Microsoft and Google Cold Email Solutions

You may wonder, “Which one is lighter on the wallet while being feature-packed?” Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Microsoft Office: Starts at $2/month. Great for budget-conscious users, but lacks the feature for profile picture addition.
  • Google Workspace: Starts at $7/month. Higher cost but allows profile picture addition and offers a more comprehensive package.

When comparing costs, it’s evident that Microsoft Office offers a more economical choice initially. However, Google Workspace justifies the higher price with added features and an enhanced user experience.

Advantages and Challenges of Mailbox Automation Services

Mailbox automation services like Mail Forge offer seamless creation and management of cold email mailboxes at a fraction of the cost. The ease of scaling up and the automation of repetitive tasks can be a significant advantage for businesses looking to save time and resources. However, the Achilles heel of these services often lies in server reputation. Poor server reputation can severely hamper email deliverability, turning your mass-emailing dreams into a nightmare.

Best Practices and Recommendations

Now, let’s sprinkle some magic dust! When setting up your cold email mailboxes, consider using Google Workspace through trusted resellers. Why? Because they often offer better pricing and superior support, making your cold-emailing journey smoother than a jazz saxophone solo. Also, don’t forget to regularly clean your email list, personalize your messages, and follow strict compliance with anti-spam laws to keep your reputation sparkling.

Additional Options for Setting Up Cold Email Mailboxes

Aside from the big players, there are other intriguing options like Instantly AI and various services offered by video creators’ teams through specific programs. These can provide tailored solutions and personalized setups, albeit often at a higher cost or under specific conditions.


Setting up cold email mailboxes in 2024 is like navigating through a digital labyrinth. With choices like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and mailbox automation services on the table, making an informed choice can mean the difference between a successful marketing campaign and a trip to the email graveyard. By weighing the pros, cons, and costs, you’re now equipped to make the best decision for your business needs. So, go ahead, set up those mailboxes, and let the world hear your message — loud and clear!



Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay

🧲 I help entrepreneurs build lead gen machines 🏰 Scaled my agency to 62+ staff & $10 million 💰 Follow for b2b marketing tips that actually work