Revolutionizing Cold Outreach: The Power of AI and Handwritten Letters

Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay
6 min readJun 20, 2024


Have you ever found yourself opening a beautifully handwritten letter with a sense of anticipation and curiosity? Now, imagine if you could recreate that exact experience for your potential leads and clients — but at scale, thanks to the power and precision of artificial intelligence! Welcome to the next frontier in cold outreach, where cutting-edge tech meets nostalgic authenticity to produce jaw-dropping open rates and unparalleled engagement. In this article, we’ll unravel a revolutionary cold outreach strategy that combines AI and handwritten letters. Get ready to discover how volume, personalization, and curiosity can transform your marketing efforts, and dive deep into the innovative use of Handwrytten and Zapier for automating personalized messages.

Introduction to Cold Outreach Strategy

Cold outreach has been a staple in sales and marketing for decades. It’s a practice where businesses and entrepreneurs reach out to potential leads who have no prior interaction or familiarity with their brand. While it’s essential for generating new leads and expanding consumer bases, the traditional methods — such as cold calling and cold emailing — are facing burnout. Most people today are inundated with digital noise, making it increasingly harder for these conventional methods to stand out.

The secret sauce to cracking the code of cold outreach success lies in nailing three critical factors: volume, personalization, and curiosity. Volume is all about the number of messages you send — think of it as casting a wide net. Personalization takes those messages and tailors them to feel unique and relevant to the recipient. Curiosity? That’s the delectable bait that entices the recipient to engage with your message. Nail these three, and you’ve got a cold outreach campaign that can rival any hot one.

The Secret Method: Combining AI and Personalized Messages

Now, let’s get to the juicy part — the avant-garde method of combining AI and personalized messages. Enter tools like Handwrytten and Zapier, which are here to transform your cold outreach strategies from basic and boring to sophisticated and captivating. Handwrytten allows you to send physical, handwritten letters personalized for each lead. Imagine receiving a beautifully articulated, handwritten note amidst a sea of impersonal emails — it’s almost magical.

But how do you send these personalized notes at scale? This is where AI comes into play. Utilizing AI-powered tools like Chat GPT for content and sentiment analysis, you can craft highly customized notes that resonate with the recipient. These tools can dynamically adjust the content to match the recipient’s preferences, personal interests, and even mimic a writing style that feels innately human. Who knew robots could write love letters?

Zapier, on the other hand, swoops in to connect various apps and automate workflows, making it a breeze to set up triggers based on different scenarios — whether it’s hot leads, high-value individuals, or cold leads that need a bit more warming up. Combined with Handwrytten, you can send real handwritten letters that are triggered automatically, ensuring your outreach game remains seamless yet personalized.

Understanding the Three Main Factors: Volume, Personalization, Curiosity

Let’s break down the cornerstone elements of effective cold outreach — volume, personalization, and curiosity.

Volume: Sending bulk messages or emails isn’t inherently bad if done thoughtfully. The key is to maintain quality while reaching a substantial audience. The more messages you send, the higher the chances of snagging a few interested parties. However, volume sans personalization is a recipe for disaster. Think more about smart volume — leveraging tools like AI to maintain the balance between reaching many and engaging deeply.

Personalization: Picture this: It’s your birthday, and you receive a generic message versus a heartfelt, personalized one. Which resonates more? In cold outreach, personalization is paramount. Your leads don’t want to feel like just another number in your pipeline. They crave relevance and authenticity. By using AI to analyze data points unique to each recipient, you can craft messages that speak to them directly, building instant rapport and trust.

Curiosity: How do you make your message irresistible? By igniting curiosity. It’s an age-old psychological trigger that marketers can’t afford to overlook. A handwritten note amidst digital clutter piques curiosity, making your lead wonder, “Who sent this?” Create intrigue with captivating openings or questions that compel the recipient to open and read your message.

Introducing Handwrytten: Sending Physical Handwritten Letters

Welcome to Handwrytten, the brilliant tool revolutionizing the way we think about outreach. Ever since the digital boom, physical mail has become somewhat of a lost art. Handwrytten reintroduces the charm of handwritten notes with a tech-savvy twist — allowing businesses to send customized, physically handwritten letters at scale.

Here’s how it works: Using Handwrytten, you can choose from various writing styles and even customize templates. The platform harnesses the power of robotics to create real, handwritten notes using actual ink. Yes, you heard that right. These aren’t mere simulations or fonts but actual pen-to-paper creations.

Not only can you customize the content, but Handwrytten also lets you add gift cards, include personal branding, and even confirm delivery to ensure your notes reach their destination. This brings a level of personalization and elegance that’s hard to match with digital communications alone. Imagine this: You’re a busy Fortune 500 executive, and you receive a thoughtfully crafted handwritten note along with a branded gift card. Intrigued, you can’t help but engage with the sender. That’s the power of Handwrytten.

Setting Up Automation with Zapier and Handwrytten

The brilliance of integrating Handwrytten with Zapier lies in the seamless automation it offers. Let’s say you want to send a handwritten note to every high-value lead captured through your CRM. Manually doing this would be cumbersome. Enter Zapier!

Zapier acts as the middleman that connects Handwrytten with your CRM, email marketing tool, or even Google Sheets. Here’s a simplified walkthrough of setting up this automation:

  1. Choose Your Trigger: In Zapier, select the trigger that will initiate the note-sending process. It could be a new lead entry in your CRM, a completed form on your website, or an action taken in your email marketing campaign.
  2. Create the Template: Set up the handwritten note template in Handwrytten. Utilize AI tools like Chat GPT to generate personalized content tailored to each recipient.
  3. Set the Action: Configure Zapier to send the personalized template via Handwrytten whenever the trigger is activated. You can set conditions like sending notes only to leads marked as ‘hot’ or ‘high value.’
  4. Test and Refine: Before going live, test the automation to ensure everything runs smoothly. Make necessary adjustments based on initial feedback and performance metrics.

This powerful combination means you can send personalized, handwritten letters without lifting a finger, ensuring that your cold outreach remains diligent but dazzlingly personal.

Examples of Effective Scenarios Using Handwrytten

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where Handwrytten can make a remarkable impact:

Hot Leads: A prospective client visits your high-end e-commerce store and adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase. Send a personalized, handwritten note expressing appreciation for their interest and perhaps include a small discount code to entice them back. The tactile, personal touch can reignite their interest and boost conversion rates.

Fortune 500 CEOs: Gaining the attention of high-level executives can be tricky. A handwritten note accompanied by a relevant industry white paper or a gift can significantly increase the chances of your message being acknowledged and appreciated. It’s personal, respectful, and stands out amid the myriad of corporate emails they receive daily.

Nurturing Active Customers: Regularly appreciating your existing customers helps in building lasting relationships. Use Handwrytten to send thank-you notes, birthday wishes, or anniversary greetings, cultivating strong and loyal customer bonds. Throw in a small loyalty gift card, and watch your customer engagement soar.

Cold Leads: For those who might not have shown immediate interest, a handwritten note with thoughtfully crafted content can be a gentle nudge. Include intriguing anecdotes or industry insights that pique their interest, and you might just transform a cold lead into a warm one.

Conclusion: Enhancing Cold Outreach with Innovative Techniques

In a world where consumers are bombarded with digital noise, standing out is not just about shouting louder but about creating genuine connections and crafting memorable experiences. The innovative blend of AI-driven personalization and the tactile charm of handwritten letters offers a revolutionary approach to cold outreach. Tools like Handwrytten and Zapier enable businesses to scale this effort without compromising on quality or authenticity.

From sending bespoke notes to Fortune 500 executives to nurturing ongoing relationships with existing customers, the potential applications are vast and varied. In leveraging these advanced techniques, you’re not only enhancing your outreach efficacy but also elevating your brand’s image and emotional connection with your audience.

So, why settle for traditional when you can revolutionize? Dive into the world of AI-enabled, personalized handwritten outreach and watch your engagement rates skyrocket. The future of cold outreach is here, and it’s wonderfully personal.



Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay

🧲 I help entrepreneurs build lead gen machines 🏰 Scaled my agency to 62+ staff & $10 million 💰 Follow for b2b marketing tips that actually work