How a Millionaire Saved on NYC Parking Using His Ferrari as Collateral

Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay
4 min readJul 15, 2024


New York City — the glitz, the glam, the heart of finance and fashion, and, of course, the bane of every car owner’s existence with its exorbitant parking costs. Now, imagine you’re a millionaire with a penchant for smart, resourceful decisions. What would you do to circumvent the daunting price of parking in the Big Apple for a few weeks? Well, one ingenious millionaire concocted a masterstroke plan involving a $500,000 Ferrari, a simple bank loan, and a healthy dose of wit to save himself from the high costs of NYC parking. Buckle up, because this unconventional story of financial hacking is a ride you won’t want to miss!

The Millionaire’s Unconventional Loan

As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. Our protagonist, a savvy millionaire, was planning a three-week trip to Europe but couldn’t fathom shelling out a small fortune just to park his precious $500,000 Ferrari in New York City during his absence. So, he approached a prestigious bank, walked into the sleek, polished office, and casually requested a $10,000 loan. His collateral? None other than his luxurious Ferrari. The bank employees, intrigued and slightly amused, quickly jumped through the hoops required for such an outlandish loan request.

The Bank’s Amusement and Approval

The bank, with its plethora of clients and millions of dollars in assets, might seem an unlikely place for such an entertaining spectacle. But, intrigued by the millionaire’s audacious use of his Ferrari as collateral for a mere $10,000 loan, the bank’s staff carefully went through the motions to authenticate the asset and approve the loan. They had themselves a good chuckle while ensuring that the Ferrari would be adequately secured in their premium parking garage for the course of the loan. It’s not every day, after all, that a client uses a half-million-dollar sports car to secure a relatively small loan!

The Loan Repayment and the Bank President’s Curiosity

The trip to Europe seemed to whisk by, and three weeks later, the millionaire was back in New York City, likely tan and rested. He sauntered back into the bank’s ornate lobby and asked to repay his loan in full. With a nod, the bank processed the return of the $10,000 loan, plus a negligible $28 in interest. But it wasn’t over yet — the bank president, initially gobsmacked by the entire ordeal, couldn’t resist the urge to meet the man behind this financial enigma.

The Clever Maneuver: Saving on Parking Costs

The bank president, driven by genuine curiosity, asked the millionaire why, with his evidently vast wealth, he chose to borrow $10,000 against his Ferrari. The millionaire’s answer? Both simple and sophisticated: “My car was safe and secure in your garage for three weeks… and it only cost me $28.” Cue jaw drop. By cleverly utilizing a minor loan, the millionaire had managed to secure premium parking for his Ferrari for just under $10 a week, sidestepping the high prices and the risk involved with public parking garages in the bustling city.

In NYC, where parking costs can easily skyrocket to several hundred dollars a week, this smart maneuver saved our protagonist a significant amount of money and ensured the absolute safety of his prized vehicle. What a financial hack!

Lessons in Resource Utilization

At the heart of this story lies a crucial lesson in resource utilization. While not everyone has a $500,000 Ferrari to use as collateral, the principle remains relevant: Reimagine your resources and exploit them in clever ways to solve problems and reduce costs. This millionaire’s ingenious plan not only saved him money but also protected his asset in a world where fond memories and unforeseen circumstances collide.

From a broader perspective, the millionaire’s story underscores the importance of thinking outside the box. Sometimes, the most conventional resources, like a bank loan, can be wielded in the most unconventional ways to achieve an outcome that benefits you greatly. It’s not just about having wealth, but using it wisely and creatively.

Conclusion: The Takeaway from a Millionaire’s Parking Hack

The bustling, ever-demanding life in New York City has given rise to some of the most inventive solutions, and this millionaire’s story is testament to that. By leveraging his Ferrari as collateral, he cleverly sidestepped the city’s oppressive parking costs and found a way to return from his European escapade with his finances none the worse for wear. It’s quite the spectacle and a fascinating lesson in innovative financial decision-making.

So next time you find yourself facing a financial conundrum or grappling with an everyday hassle that seems insurmountable, channel your inner NYC millionaire. Re-evaluate your resources, think creatively, and perhaps you’ll find a surprising solution that saves you both time and money.

And there you have it: a tale of one savvy millionaire, a Ferrari, a bank, and a triumph over New York City’s relentless parking woes. It’s a story not just about resourcefulness but about the power of creative problem-solving, proving yet again that sometimes, to get ahead, you need to steer off the beaten path (or in this case, the usual parking garage).

Final Thoughts

In the expansive world of financial hacks, a millionaire’s creative use of his Ferrari as collateral to dodge expensive parking is a gem that gleams brightly. While not all of us have the luxury of parking a Ferrari in a bank garage, we can all take inspiration from the ingenuity and critical thinking demonstrated in this story.

Remember, whether you’re navigating the bustling streets of NYC or managing day-to-day expenses, resourcefulness and innovative thinking can often lead you to solutions that are as impressive as they are effective. Think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and who knows? You might find yourself saving a pretty penny — or in this case, quite a lot more.



Jay Feldman | Lead Gen Jay

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